Monday, January 25, 2010

Help Haiti with James Madison College

Help us help Haiti.

Monday - Friday, 1-5 p.m.
(JAN. 25-29)

JMC Student Senate Office, 3rd Floor Case Hall

As James Madison students, you've all heard about the tragic earthquake that struck Haiti almost two weeks ago. Every little bit helps the Haitian people to get back on their feet. Help us by raising awareness and making a donation. JMC Student Senate will be selling red ribbons for students to wear throughout the week, all by donation. All proceeds will benefit Doctors Without Borders. an international medical humanitarian organization working in the Haiti relief efforts. It only takes a few seconds to stop by between classes or meetings with professors. Please help us to help the Haitian people in their time of need!


Contact JMCSS Community Service Network Chair, Kelly Steffen,

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